Expanded and extruded Polystyrene are both recyclable
Contrary to popular belief, the polystyrene is recyclable. Made up of 98% air, this material indeed has great properties and its recycling channel is constantly spreading. Ecological awareness certainly contributed to this trend, but all polystyrene users know the challenge of waste management. EPS work is space consuming and all the scraps from the cutting jobs fill the workshop in no time. Waste collection can quickly become very expensive, especially for transport mostly air and worthless material.

Once again, CROMA was asked by its customers to think about solutions to this problem. After years of development and different systems, we have finally decided to focus on the foam recycling machine. Surely the most efficient solution for EPS recycling, our machine can also process XPS where most others cannot. The simple process involves first grinding the polystyrene into small particles and pushing it through a compression tunnel so that the particles clump together and form a condensed 25 cm x 25 cm block. These condensed blocks are now highly sought after by the buyers who will purchase this new material from you at a great value (currently approximately 1000 €/ton). Reused to manufacture new polystyrene, other plastics or for insulation activities, our grinder compactor has the perfect settings to make condensed blocks much appreciated in the industry.
Our equipment is also eligible to government or public grants, according to eco-friendly policies, so do not forget to look in that direction as well.
To Sum up the many advantages of our foam recycling machine:
- Reduce your waste volume up to 40 times
- The end of your waste storage problem
- The end of your waste collection bills
- Generate a lot of money from your waste
- Initiate or pursue an ecological approach
To learn more about the Grinder compactor, click here.