Technical parts

When we think of Polystyrene, foams, hot-wire Styrofoam cutter with… we think of the building industry, insulation or signage. Nevertheless, our machines are designed to many other activities, for applications that we could not even think of in the first place. Raw material manufacturers, general industry, boat industry, prototyping or modeling: all these fields use polystyrene or foams with different properties for various different applications and aim for the optimal and profitable result.

You will find below different examples of sets made by our customers in very different fields:


Our CNC machines with hot wire just as our manual tools (bow, cutting tables, thermocutters) can be used to cut parts, carters or boards made of rigid plastics such as ABS, EPP or PE among others. If you are unsure if your material can be cut with the hotwire technology, please contact us so CROMA can arrange cutting trials and confirm the compatibility.


Styrofoam cutters are very common in prototyping labs or workshops. Complex parts, hollow pieces (especially easy to achieve with the Stratoconception, exclusively available at CROMA), oversized objects such as boat hull as an example, full size car prototypes, human sized beetles…



Polystyrene is very frequently used to make molds and formworks, especially in the concrete industry. The features of CROMA machines (disaxis mode, turntable, shapeable wire tool…) make it possible to achieve a wide range of results in terms of shapes and dimensions.



Slit your filters to dimension with a precise, neat and clean cut: use a hot wire.



Some of our customers also chose our Styrofoam cutters with hotwire to make architectural templates. Light, easy to process with CROMA CNC machines then easy to assemble, it is the ideal technology for this application.


Polystyrene would eventually destroy easily, that is why you can also find it in the foundry or lost wax process. Create the shape you want with no limit of dimensions thanks to the hotwire cutting technology.